Sunday, January 25, 2009

It Was a Good Weekend

This is my little Spooky, our Garden Girl, taken before her close encounter with some animal's large teeth. She is now my little Quilt studio kitty. She normally prefers being outside, but I wanted her to stay safe while she was healing from her misadventure. She has adapted surprisingly well to life inside. I picked her up from the animal hospital on Friday, and she slept a lot the first couple of days. It was pretty noisy in the hospital, animals barking and crying, lots of people banging around. If she will let me, I may just keep her inside indefinitely.

I spoke with my Dad again tonight. When he answered the phone he sounded just like he did before the stroke! As he got more tired as the conversation went on, he sounded a little robotic, but he was still speaking in full sentences and I could understand most of what he said. Whew, Big sigh of relief. We will find out tomorrow how long he will remain in rehab. He is committed to staying as long as he needs to, but I know he will be very glad to get back home.

This weekend, Brandon and Kristen came up for the weekend. We all went to the Port Salerno Seafood Festival and had a great time. It was a beautiful sunny day. We ate all kinds of great seafood ~ clam chowder, fried clams, shark bites (!), conch fritters, frozen lemonade, red flannel cupcakes with mouse stuffing and cream cheese frosting! Um yea, I am still full. After that, we went to a beautiful place on the water and had a beer and watched the sun set through the palm trees.

I put the borders on a quilt I am making for Kristen. The pattern is called Salt Water Taffy. It is all batiks. For the back, I pieced a silk screened mermaid on a backing with flip flop fabric. I loaded it on the frame, picked a thread color, and hope to get started quilting on it this week.

Hope you had a great weekend, too!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers for my Dad. He is in the hospital, we are awaiting test results with cautious optimism. He will be facing another acute rehab phase. What we don't have the answer to is why this stroke mimicked the exact pathology that he had before. He had MRI of the brain, echo cardiogram, evaluations by physical and occupational therapists today. My brother says he is in good spirits considering the uphill battle he faces to regain use of his hand and speech functions. This is consistent with his general outlook and personality, optimistic, kind and quietly strong. I am so grateful that my brother can be with him and act as a family liaison to keep an eye on things, keep us all posted and get answers to our questions.
This morning, when I opened the door to the porch, I saw my little outside kitty, Spooky, eating her breakfast. She had a patch of exposed skin on her side. I stepped forward and picked her up for closer examination. I could see two deep puncture wounds where someone, probably a raccoon, had taken a bite out of her! She has been an outside kitty (her choice) for the whole 8 years that she has lived with us. She came to us on Christmas Eve in 2000. I called my vet and he said to bring her right in. After examining her, they said she would need surgery to place a drain and clean out the wound. It had apparently not just happened, but had been incubating an infection over a few days time.
I left her at the vet, and headed to a Surface Design class that I had signed up for at the Vero Beach Art Museum. On the way to meet my friend who I was driving to the class with, I listened to the swearing in ceremony on public radio. I unexpectedly started to cry with the emotion of the day. I was surprised, because I do not cry often or easily. I think was his contagious optimism, his openness, and his energy to tackle the daunting tasks awaiting his administration. It all just rings true to me, and makes me feel connected to my country in a way I have not felt in a very long time.
The surface design class was a blast. We jumped right in and played with Procion dyes and Lumiere paints and translucent powders. We played with different techniques of dying fabric and paper, folding, sewing and clipping the fabric and dipping it into the dye baths. We painted, sprayed and generally had a ball. There were 12 women in the class, from varying backgrounds, from fine art to engineering. The teacher was vibrant and excited to share her knowledge.
Came home to freeze warnings for the next few husband has been busy wrapping up all of his orchids and vegetable beds. He asked me for some fabric! Um, yes I do have some fabric! I had a bolt of muslin that I had purchased for longarm practice. He took that and asked me to get two more. Oh, if you insist! I went to JoAnne. Our JA is in the process of closing. They will be opening at a new location nearby and are selling off everything from the current location. I was able to find two more of the sealed bolts for $17.50 each. We are expecting temps in the 40's tonight, 30's for the next two nights. The sky was gorgeous tonight, with the cold front moving in. I like a little cool weather as much as the next person, but would be very sad to see all of Michael's hard work in the garden over these past months claimed by a killing frost.

Monday, January 19, 2009

If You Are a Praying Person

Please say one, tonight, for my Dad. He was taken to the hospital this afternoon after suffering a stroke. He had recovered well from a previous one a few years ago, and was living alone very happily, managing all his activities well. He had been feeling good today, went to his exercise class this morning, and to the dentist this afternoon. While at the dentist, they noticed his speech was slurred and they called an ambulance. One of the responding EMT's happened to be a friend of my brother's, and he called my brother, who was out with my nephew snowmobiling on the lake, since they had the MLK holiday off. So, my brother and nephew raced to the hospital and are with Dad now. They decided in the ER NOT to give him the miracle anti-stroke drug because it carries a 1 in 12 risk of death. They did a CT scan, and did not see any blood, so that is good. His previous stroke, a couple of years ago, came from a blood clot near his heart. Since his speech is slurred, the stroke must be on his brain's left side, which controls the right side of his body. This is the same area that was damaged before, but he did recover from that. I hope that with prompt medical intervention, he will be able to fully recover again, and go back to his wonderful, independent life in a great community of people who all like him and care about him a lot.
I have to say, when they handed out the Dads, I won the lottery. My Dad is the most kind, gentle, and steady man I know. This is us, my Dad, brother and I, in November, at a restaurant in his town in Maine.
I know these things happen to people every day, but I am just not ready for it.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Rose Marie

This is Rose Marie. When my Mom was about 6, she got a letter in the mail from Rose Marie, who had been her grandmother's doll. It said that Rose Marie was travelling to my Mom's house on her way back from the Doll Hospital, after getting a new hairstyle and some new clothes, including a pink party dress and some new underwear!

When my Mom moved to a smaller home recently, she didn't really have any place for Rose Marie, so I said I would take her. She is in need of some professional repair, and she is headed off to a doll restorer in Virginia. She has a cloth body and a composite head. I think it might be a Shirley Temple head. Her arms, from the elbows down, were white kid gloves, which need to be replaced.

Her clothes and the letter from Rose Marie to my Mom came in this wonderful old wooden trunk. Unfortunately, one of my nieces stepped through the lid of the trunk while playing hide and go seek, but I think it can be repaired.

This is the pink party dress referred to in the note. There are some wonderful old hand made clothes, including this black velvet jacket, that were made by my great grandmother, Bertha. From everything I've heard about her, I think we had a lot in common. She loved to sew also.

I found a book at the library called The Doll's Clothes Collection, which has wonderful patterns for period doll's clothes, even shoes and hats. After Rose Marie returns from Virginia, I hope to have a little blue and white sailor suit waiting for her, and some new shoes. I hope that my grand daughters and my friend Lucia's daughter Lucy might like to play with her. If not, there's always Carmine!

Visitor to our yard

Today, this tortoise came to visit. My husband was pressure washing the patio, and the tortoise stopped by to have a drink. Afterward, he ambled around the yard, checking out the fountain area. He didn't seem overly concerned about me taking his photo. Carmine, my cat, was MOST interested! Carmine loves other animals of all kinds. He flirted shamelessly with the tortoise, showed him his tummy, and talked up a storm. Later, we took down the Christmas tree. Carmine helped, hiding in the branches and pouncing on the lights as we tried to unwind them.

Afterwards, he needed a long drink and then a nap!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

Wishing all of my blog readers a wonderful New Year! The past few weeks have been so crazy, sometimes I feel like my life is in a blender, set on Puree. I have gotten out of the habit of blogging, so I hardly know where to start to catch up.

My Mom moved three days before was supposed to be four days before, but they had a major blizzard! Two days before Christmas, we got the news that my husband has prostate cancer. So, we have had a crash course in what that is, what it means and we are meeting with his urologist on Thursday to discuss treatment options. It has put somewhat of a damper on the holiday spirit for us, but we did have a nice visit with his daughter and the 2 grand girls. The photo on the blog heading is of Haley (age 2) at the beach, searching for shells. She is in constant motion. I love the sweet, baby roundness of her in this photo. Her older sister, who is 4, is already all sharp angles. They grow up so fast! We also had friends in from France for 2 weeks. They were a lot of fun.

I made a Paper dolls quilt for the girls for Christmas, I have it pieced but not quilted yet.

I have finished (bindings and labels) the Bill quilt for Janey, plus another quilt I made a while ago. I am still working on taking the paper off of a the cranes quilt before I put that on the longarm. I want to enter the Cranes in a quilt show in Fort Lauderdale in a few months.
I've been working out with a personal trainer, I am sore but can see some small results! I've been reading some great new fiction too! I am so gratefull to live in a town with a fantastic library. Right now I am reading The Girl With No Shadow. Can hardly put it down. Have also recently read Garden Angel and Perfect Family. I would recommend all without hesitation to anyone who likes current fiction.