Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

Wishing all of my blog readers a wonderful New Year! The past few weeks have been so crazy, sometimes I feel like my life is in a blender, set on Puree. I have gotten out of the habit of blogging, so I hardly know where to start to catch up.

My Mom moved three days before was supposed to be four days before, but they had a major blizzard! Two days before Christmas, we got the news that my husband has prostate cancer. So, we have had a crash course in what that is, what it means and we are meeting with his urologist on Thursday to discuss treatment options. It has put somewhat of a damper on the holiday spirit for us, but we did have a nice visit with his daughter and the 2 grand girls. The photo on the blog heading is of Haley (age 2) at the beach, searching for shells. She is in constant motion. I love the sweet, baby roundness of her in this photo. Her older sister, who is 4, is already all sharp angles. They grow up so fast! We also had friends in from France for 2 weeks. They were a lot of fun.

I made a Paper dolls quilt for the girls for Christmas, I have it pieced but not quilted yet.

I have finished (bindings and labels) the Bill quilt for Janey, plus another quilt I made a while ago. I am still working on taking the paper off of a the cranes quilt before I put that on the longarm. I want to enter the Cranes in a quilt show in Fort Lauderdale in a few months.
I've been working out with a personal trainer, I am sore but can see some small results! I've been reading some great new fiction too! I am so gratefull to live in a town with a fantastic library. Right now I am reading The Girl With No Shadow. Can hardly put it down. Have also recently read Garden Angel and Perfect Family. I would recommend all without hesitation to anyone who likes current fiction.


Lady Beekeeper said...

Love the picture!

Sorry to hear your husband is battling prostate cancer. I understand there are a lot of options and I hope things go well for you both. My FIL had that and he is doing great.

Holee said...

Oh My, Pam, so sorry to hear about your hubby. Praying for things to go well.

Love the photo and the quilt. I have read 2 of the books you posted. I'll have to look for the others. I'm always looking for good reads.

Pam said...

Thank you both! We are relieved that they caught it early, and are lookig at the treatment options. We like his doctor a lot, and are grateful for our health insurance!!