Sunday, June 22, 2008

Lady Slippers

Today while walking in the woods, we were fortunate to come across the biggest patch of lady slippers I have ever seen. They bloom in late spring/early summer along the water here. They have always grown in the same place along our lake, and I was told since I was a little girl never to pick them, that they were on the endangered list. This year, we were here at the right time to see them. Usually we come later in the season and they have already gone by. DH was excited to see them, he grows orchids at home in Fl and these are in the orchid family (cypripedium acaule).


Unknown said...

Yeah! Can't wait to see you! Love your blog... great pictures and quilt info!

Pam said...

Hi Cal!
There's a family of ducks living on your dock! 3 adults and a bunch of little babies. See you day after tomorrow!

JessicaSews said...

What beautiful flowers!
Taking walks and seeing little surprises just like that
is what I'm talking about!
This has been a great year for
capturing flowers on film!

Enjoying your blog!
~ Jes

Sherry said...

I enjoy your blog! Flowers, quilts, cabins...sigh. Wish I were there! I have an award for you if you are interested. Check my blog.

Pam said...

Sherry, that is so kind! Yes, I'd love that! How does that work?